Event encourages students to sample other lifestyles
Students from Acton High School got the chance to sample a slice of some different cultures during a special International Day.
Throughout the day, on Tuesday 24th June 2014, the school’s hall became an international market place, with students and staff running stalls showcasing the fantastic food from different countries and providing information about their traditions.
Staff held international themed workshops about different cultures and pupils then put on a performance to their classmates of music and dance from around the world, including Brazilian Samba drums and Irish Dancing.
Students were encouraged to attend school in their national dress. There was an award from the Headteacher, Dr Andy Sievewright, for the best dressed student and those pupils who had learnt the most about each different country.
Headteacher, Dr Andy Sievewright, said: “International Day at Acton High School encourages our students to learn about different cultures.
“We promote inclusion, diversity and tolerance every day at Acton High School and each year this celebration is an important event in our calendar.”
1st July 2014