Thanks For The LOVE ACTON ..

Local campaign update


The LOVE ACTON campaign was launched in January 2012, with a 2 month timescale to inform, engage and involve Acton people. Here is a taste of the results.

Children, youth, community and public events: 29 A.P.P.L.E. art workshops, 186 taking part actively in APPLE workshops, 28 ACF sessions, 11 public events, 8+ digitalisation opportunities, 5 Youth Projects and 102 participating organisations.

At the 10 public events approximately 350 people took an active part in the LOVE ACTON project.  The finale was the LOVE ACTON EVENT with thousands enjoying a celebratory day of music, arts, community and launching the LOVE ACTON flags, banners, posters, bags and T-shirts.

Thanks to the funders: the Outer London Fund and the Mayor’s Office.  Thanks to the partners London Borough of Ealing, particularly Andrea Laffey, Acton Community Forum, Acton Arts Forum, A.P.P.L.E. and the Young Design Team.

Thanks for the creative input of the Selected Artists: David Mant, Jennifer Stuart Steele, Kell Byer, Jackie Roberts, Barbara Blanch, Paul Lang, Alison Lumb, Tim Norris, A.P.P.L.E. Young photographers, A.P.P.L.E. Art workshop participants, and to the other contributing artists and residents too numerous to mention, but please see the LOVE ACTON project legacy on the website.


The banners, flags, posters, bags and T-shirts will be seen around Acton over the next year hanging from the lampposts, in shops and at events.  In the meantime, we are currently looking into using an empty shop for exhibiting the LOVE ACTON legacy, and for use by the Arts Forum for the Art Hits the Streets.

Rachel Pepper

Project Manager

Acton Community Forum


12th April 2012