Acton Central Police Ward Panel

Read the latest report

Sergeant Gray along with PC Ben Nichols and PC Frank Harrison have now joined the team. PC Tony Pierce has now returned to Northfields SNT.

PCSO Sarah Kearney and PCSO Jamie Forrester remain on the team, however PCSO Forrester
is soon to start training as a PC, the ward will be getting a replacement PCSO.

Currently patrols are directed to Friary Park, High Street and Morrisons at the
moment to combat Anti social behaviour in these areas.

Dispersal zones remain in these areas with operations continuing in Morrisons and Sainsburys (Churchfield Road) to deal with issues such a theft/shoplifting.

The team have managed to obtain three ASBOS at Court recently.

1. An extremely problematic street drinker, very well known for constantly breaching
the dispersal zone order has now been given an ASBO. His main conditions are that
he is not to enter the parts of Acton where he was causing problems, he is not to be
drunk in a public place and he is not to consume alcohol in a public place other than
on a licensed premises (this is alongside other conditions). He will be arrested if he
breaches any of these.
2. A prolific shoplifter was also given an ASBO. She is now completely banned from
Morrisons and the town centre area and also from a residential home where she was
causing problems.
3. A male on the Friary Park estate who is known for drug offences, causing Anti
social Behaviour and intimidating residents is now completely banned from the estate
by way of ASBO.

Current Crime Patterns

Friary Park Estate - The team along with Catalyst housing are working towards
Evictions and ASBOS to prevent further Anti Social Behaviour and drug activity on
the estate. The team have recently made arrests on the estate in order to enforce the
dispersal zone. Arrests were also made for drug offences. A problematic family have
also been moved from the estate and out of the borough.

Horn Lane / Emanuel Avenue: Street drinking is taking place in this area, ASBOs /
drinking orders are being sought to deal with these individuals. Please call 101 to
report Anti Social Behaviour due to these street drinkers.

Burglary - There has been a decrease in burglaries on the ward with no apparent ‘hot
spot ‘at the moment. This is believed to be due to arrests of two prolific burglars in
the area. Although there has been a decrease in burglary, there are still some being
reported it seems these are a result of windows are being left open and back doors
not being locked in the hot weather. Please make sure you are securing your homes
before you leave them as there are some burglaries still taking place.


Read previous (July) report

11th September 2013


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