Councils says it wants your views on enhancing the town centre
A total of £900,000 has been found to improve Acton Town Centre and the Council say they want your help in determining how it should be spent.
The funds have come from various sources: £395,000 - through the Mayor of London’s High Street fund, £445,000 - through the New Homes Bonus scheme and £60,000 - through Ealing Council’s shopfront scheme budget.
A new team, which includes residents, organisations and businesses, is being set up to help shape work in the area.
Ealing Council say, ''The Acton High Street Fund programme will help enhance the town centre making it a more attractive, vibrant welcoming place.''
Designs are being drawn up to improve the road and pavement layouts linking Acton High Street to Acton Central station which the council say will be consulted on 'in due course'.
There is currently a public consultation taking place and a variety of comments have been made from residents sharing their concerns over the town centre.
Main worries include street drinkers, disused venues, the types of shops, included many boarded up ones, no arts centre and traffic issues.
Add your comments to the consultation
30th March 2016
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