Woman's bag by young boy in hoodie
At around 5.00pm this afternoon on Goldsmith Avenue outside No 27 a woman had her handbag snatched by a young kid - probably no more than about 4ft in height. The boy was black and wearing a hoodie and was almost certainly operating with an accomplice.
The woman screamed and many neighbours in the street tried to help but were unable to stop the muggers getting away towards Acton Park down Goldsmith Road.
The woman said she felt she had been followed from the park and suspected the boy was operating with an accomplice - also young, a little taller and also black.
Her handbag was large and dark red in colour and contained many items of little value to anyone else. The bag was found 1.5 hours later in the Wendell Park area. A man found it in his garden and telephoned the woman's office number.
According to the woman's bank, within 30 minutes the thieves or their accomplices were already trying to use her debit and credit cards, fortunately unsuccessfully.
If you have experienced a mugging recently in Acton please contact the local police - details in the box, right.
Everyone should be extremely vigilant as this is not the first report of similar activity in the area this week.
February 26, 2009