Tallest Snowman in Acton and Other Photos

Great selection sent in by ActonW3.com visitors


Big Snowball in Acton     Patio snow in Acton

Giant Snowball in Acton Park and patio transformed by Robin Holloway

Acton road     Acton Snowball

Acton road transformed       Biggest snowball

Photos by Peter Todd

Snowman in North Acton     Snow in Acton

Snowman in North Acton      Snowman by Hassan and his

playing fields by Andrew       brother Mohammed - Beechwood

Wotton and friends              Grove, East Acton

Playground in the snowActon Landscape in the snow

Swinging in the Snow               Acton landscape in snow

Photos by Mohammed Bahroloom

Snowman sculpture with friendFoleys Pub in the Snow

Snowman sculture and friend     Foley's by Kate Buchanan

Photo by John Hathway

Churchfield Road Acton in snowChurchfield Road Acton

Churchfield Road by night and by day - by Sonny masson


Sarah Towers has sent us these amazing pictures of what must have been the tallest snowman in Acton.

Snow man in Acton  Snow man in Acton

En route to the Snowman    Climbing Snow Man-Mountain


February 13, 2009