Learn to make your own film on a living history trail
Theatre Studio West is about to embark on a project based around Priory Community Centre, Acton its history and the impact it has had on the local community over the years.
The Priory Centre has been in the news recently after the Acton Regeneration Plan threw it into the spotlight as being a possible site for demolition.
This project will be taking place every Saturday during term time only. The project starts Saturday 12th September at 10am-1pm.
Open to all 7-12 year olds. They will learn to make their own film, how to be a reporter and create a living history trail performance called ‘Our Centre’ .
We also looking for any local residents who have any memories of Priory and would like to be interviewed or share they stories, perhaps they went to Priory school, attended the dances or social events there, anything they can remember as far back as they can.
Anyone interested or would like further information should contact Julie or Valerie on 0208 994 8751 or email director@theatrestudiowest.co.uk.
Theatre Studio West is part of the Arts Council Well London 'Be Creative, Be Well' initiative.
September 18, 2009