Inside information received but no notification from Ealing Council
We have received inside information that there is to be a Ward Forum for Acton Central next Wednesday at 7.30pm in St. Mary’s Church Hall.
At least, that is what some people have been told. We have not received official confirmation of this yet, and there is nothing on the Ealing Council website to confirm or deny this information.
Ward Forums are an important part of the democratic process as those present decide what the Ward Budget – usually around £40,000 - is to be spent on. It is to be hoped that as many local people as possible will attend the meeting. This is a chance to raise issues with your new ward councillors: Dan Crawford, Patricia Walker and Abdullah Gulaid.
Update: Since we wrote this, we have received the following email from new local councillor Dan Crawford:
I have noticed that there is some discussion about the proposed date for the Acton Central ward forum on the discussions forums of your site. I would like to log in and clarify this position, but there seems to be some problem with logging into the forum with my account details.
In the interests of informing residents as speedily as possible, could you place a brief notice on the front page informing residents that the Acton Central Ward forum will take place at St. Mary's Church Hall, The Mount, Acton, W3 9NW on Wednesday 23rd June at 7.30pm? Refreshments will be provided in the church hall from 7pm.
You can read the minutes of the last meeting below:
Acton Central Ward Forum meeting – held on Thursday 18th March 2010, at 7.30pm at St Mary’s Church Hall, The Mount, Acton W3
Present: Councillors: Vlod Barchuk (chair), Seema Kumar
Attendees: The meeting was attended by 31 people
Note taker: Dennis Frost (DF) – Neighbourhood Co-ordinator – East
No. Note Action Point
Paperwork provided at the meeting comprised:
- an agenda
- notes of the previous Ward Forum – held on 16th December 2009
- Acton Town Centre Regeneration – update – report dated 16th March
- a note of the ward projects in progress – listing updates since the previous meeting
Contact details:
Dennis Frost
Ealing Council
tel: 020 8825 5453 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 020 8825 5453 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
1. Chairman’s Introduction
Councillor Vlod Barchuk welcomed those present and introduced his fellow ward councillor Seema Kumar, also Dennis Frost, who supports the Ward Forum’s work.
2. Apologies for absence
These were received from:
- Councillor Marie Randall
- John Parker – Friary Park Residents Association
- Alex Watson
3. Safer Neighbourhoods
- Report from the Police’s Safer Neighbourhoods Team
Sgt Neil MacKintosh reported on the continuing work of his ward team. Reported burglaries had declined December – March while motor vehicle crime had also reduced during the first quarter of 2010. Street drinking on the Mount had also be targeted at weekends, in order not to spoil the market atmosphere
PC Malcolm McCulloch from the British Transport Police had been invited, but did not attend.
Council’s Envirocrime Team – written report
A written report from the Council’s envirocrime officer Ashley Barker was unfortunately not available on this occasion.
Councillors’ inter agency meeting, to discuss street drinking
Councillor Kumar reported on two productive meetings that had been held so far, hosted by Police Inspector Andrew Deane. An outreach worker will be attending the Acton area once per month, starting in April. Councillor Kumar reported that if funding were available from both Acton Central and South Acton wards, this facility could be increased to once per week. The cost per ward would be in the region of £5,000.
A public meeting is planned for April and more details will be circulated in due course.
Adoption of a Special Area Policy for Acton Town Centre (Licensing Act)
Councillor Barchuk reported this was now in place and was designed to limit future applications for licensed premises in Acton town centre.
Contact details:
Acton Central Safer Neighbourhoods Team. E-mail:
Tel: 020 8721 2921 020 8721 2921
British Transport Police Tel: 020 7922 6343 020 7922 6343
Ealing Council:
tel: 8825 6000 (Mon-Fri, 9am- 5pm)
4. Notes of the last Ward Forum, held on 16th December 2009
- to confirm accuracy
the notes of the previous Forum were considered and approved as an accurate record of the meeting.
5. Matters arising – not included in item 6 (below)
- Shaa Road footbridge – lighting
Councillor Kumar reported that she was working to have the lighting repaired.
- Controlled Parking Zone – Friary Road
Councillor Barchuk reported that the proposed zone would be implemented in the early summer. There would be parking restrictions for one hour each during the morning and evening, with some stop and shop parking bays to assist local traders.
- Churchfield Road CPZ – Zone K – consultation
Councillor Barchuk also confirmed that the consultation, funded from the ward budget, had been included in the 2010/11 Council programme. Its start date would be announced in due course.
- Gowing and Pursey site
Councillor Barchuk had invited G & P to the meeting, to discuss residents’ concerns about noise and pollution. However he had not received a response and therefore councillors will arrange to meet with the company.
- Goldsmith Avenue pavements – use of tarmac
Dennis Frost reported that the Council’s policy is to replace tarmac with paving stones if a whole street is being dealt with. However, asphalt is used for minor patching, but not to permanently replace paving slabs.
6. From Councillors
- Churchfield Road parking – update
Councillor Kumar reported that she had asked for an additional sign, which reminded drivers to obtain a (free) ticket from the dispensing machine.
- Acton Town Centre regeneration – latest position
the detailed written report available at the meeting was noted. It was further noted that a raised entry table was to be built at the Churchfield Road junction with Alfred Road, to further slow traffic down. In addition, work on the recycling centre will begin shortly.
- Derwentwater Primary School
Residents expressed concern that the Council’s plans for an additional temporary classroom would put undue pressure on an already cramped site. The school’s governors had objected to the plans and councillors would relay these concerns to their Cabinet colleagues.
7. Acton Central Ward Budget
Update on 2008/09 projects
the report updating residents on progress with the ward projects in hand was noted.
- Fencing at North Acton Playing Fields
Councillor Kumar had met with park rangers and agreed that a 3metre high fence was required. A revised quote was awaited.
Current year projects - update
It was agreed that the proposed improvement work to Friary Road Triangle should begin with new fencing.
Other projects
- support for the additional outreach work – referred to in item 3 (above) would await the outcome of the planned public meeting.
8. Public Forum
- issues raised by residents
a) Parking by Derwentwater Primary School
New ‘no parking’ lines were required urgently
b) Heavy Goods Vehicles Crossing Horn Lane railway bridge
It had not been possible to establish who was responsible for enforcing the weight restriction at this location. Dennis Frost offered to seek the advice of British transport Police.
9. Suggested items for future meetings
It was asked that the meeting notes be circulated more promptly.
10. Dates of Future Meetings
The next cycle of meetings will be announced after the local council elections in May.
Dennis Frost
June 24, 2010