Robert Rankin to Officially Open Hewson Books

New retailer is latest to launch in the Brentford Project

A party is planned this Saturday for the grand opening
A party is planned this Saturday for the grand opening

May 31, 2024

The author of the Brentford Trilogy is to do the honours as Hewson Books officially opens this Saturday (1 June).

The shop in the Brentford Project will be having a party from 11.30am to 5pm to celebrate with Robert Rankin expected to cut the ribbon at around noon.

Owner Adam Hewson said getting the author to make a personal appearance was easier than expected. Robert Rankin reportedly hadn’t been in Brentford for a long time and it was thought it might be necessary to tempt him by promising that “Neville the part time barman would give him a pint of large”. In the event they simply contacted him and he said yes.

Adam says, “We thought it would be fun but hadn’t counted on how important it was to get Robert Rankin along.

“I remember reading and selling his books in the 1980s. When I moved to Waterstone’s HQ in Brentford, it was always fun to think of Rankin’s books!”

The new retailer has already made a soft opening since last Thursday afternoon when owners Adam and his wife Wendy felt things were ready.

Trading thus far is reported to be good although dependent on it not raining.

Store manager Ross Hoey was particularly thrilled that the first ever book sold was by Irish author Anne Enright. The Brentford resident is of Irish heritage.

The fourth book sold was about Brentford which was particularly pleasing as Adam says they had been in touch with the local history societies to ensure they had the best Brentford books and the window display features local titles.

Adam Hewson worked as a bookseller since the 1980s including his spell locally at Waterstones. He joined the RHS shops at Wisley, before purchasing The Kew Bookshop and The Sheen Book Shop in December 2016.

The new shop in Brentford is the largest of the three shops at 1500 sq. ft.

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