Local residents complained about noise, mess and damage after last rave
The creators of Junction 2, the rave that has grown from a single night two years running to two nights this year are now applying for an expanded three night event for the next three years.
This is the first time they have applied for a licence for more than one year at a time, for events in June from 2019 to 2021.
The proposal is for the over 18 live music to happen on Friday and Saturday (12-10:30pm), with Sunday being an all day family-friendly event from 11am-9.30pm.
The proposal is to fence off a larger amount of Boston Manor Park, including some of the park north of the M4 flyover including hte lawn in front of Boston Manor House to the lake (fenced off in green on the plan).
The main stage has moved to the upper meadown with the lower meadow containing two smaller stages.
If you wish to comment on this licence application please email licensing@hounslow.gov.uk by the11th October with reference to the relevant considerations and evidence. The details can be downloaded (pdf).
September 21, 2018