Now expected to take place day after Brentford Festival
The towpath by the Brentford Basin on the Grand Union Canal is due to re-open on 3rd September. There is a diversion in place from the Holiday Inn via Brentford Train Station onto the A4.
The Canal and River Trust (CRT) have closed the towpath after a section of the hanger next to the path was damaged. CRT say they are working with the owners of the hanger to get everything back to normal as soon as possible.
James Stockdale, Development Manager, Brentford Lock West, who own the building, said, “We would like to inform everyone that we are expecting works to remove the dangerous section of warehouse canopy, which overhangs the towpath to commence on 1st September, with the towpath due to re-open on Monday 3rd September. The safety of the general public must remain a priority and as such we have had to keep the towpath closed while we secure the necessary permits and approvals to carry out the work. We appreciate everyone’s patience and we would like to reassure you all that we are working as quickly as possible to make the area safe again and to get the towpath re-opened.”
Boats are asked not to moor on the towpath under the hanger.
August 24, 2018