Women of Chiswick School Race for Life

Forty eight of the staff at local secondary taking part

Forty eight women from the staff at Chiswick Community School are to take part in the Race for Life on 25th June.

The enterprise has been organised by Michelle Pilbrow, History teacher and Head of Year 8.

Initially she just asked for a few people to join her and another colleague, Jhenni Izquierdo, but received an overwhelming response.

Chiswick School Women Race for Life

Both teachers and office staff will be participating to raise money for Cancer Research UK. When which charity to support was put to the vote, students at the school overwhelmingly picked this one.

Michelle said on her fund-raising page, "As a staff team we have decided to lead by example and complete the race for life. We are a very mixed bunch in terms of athletic ability but all commit 100% to giving it our all - please sponsor generously."

Their target is to reach £4,000 in funds raised. At the time of writing they had got to £1,065.

You can support them by visiting this link.


June 20, 2011