Creating a weekend of entertainment with local residents, artists and businesses
Brentford is a place where water - the Grand Union Canal, the Thames, the River Brent, and a multitude of local waterways - has played a central part in its long life.
As such Brentford Voice are looking to create a Canal Festival to celebrate this long association and recognise the importance the waterways played in establishing Brentford.
What we’re proposing is a 2 day event Saturday/Sunday June 20/21 based around the basin, the gauging lock and the High St. This is an event for ALL, not only to reignite peoples interest in Brentford’s waterways, but in Brentford, its environs, and all it has to offer with its rich heritage, culture, and green open spaces.
Brentford is undergoing huge change currently and whilst welcome it’s important to acknowledge its past, and the part that has to play in Brentford’s future, and what better way than celebrating what was the life blood of Brentford for many years – its waterways.
We’d like the whole community to participate in and embrace this festival from residents, cafes, pubs, restaurants, shops, the cultural community, local businesses and Hounslow Council. It’s vital that we come together to create an event to put Brentford on the UK Festival map, and one which becomes a permanent fixture in people’s diaries.
As such Brentford Voice needs you to make this happen, so we’re looking for people who would like to help in the creation and organising of this exciting event. You don’t need to have specialist skills, but if you do so then all the better, what we really would like is people who share our love of Brentford and with bags of enthusiasm and ideas!
Great things happen when a community bands together, but magic happens when an entire town works together; we’re ready to wow this weekend and create a taste of true Brentford hospitality!
If you would like to get involved, OR have any thoughts or suggestions of how to make this a great event then do please contact
Brentford Voice
February 27, 2020