Green Dragon Primary Celebrates OFSTED Praise

School rated 'Good' as results surge above the national average

Green Dragon Primary School is celebrating a upgrade in the OFSTED rating in the most recent report. This has attracted praise from local MP Ruth Cadbury who said all involved should be proud of the school’s progress.

Greed Dragon Children

It is now ranked as ‘Good’ by the inspectors having previously held a ‘requires improvement’ rating from the last report which was published in 2014.

Ruth Cadbury, MP described the report as ‘great’ saying, “not only does it reflect the hard work and dedication of the staff and teachers in the school but also recognises the improving attainment levels of the pupils who are thriving in their supportive school environment. Green Dragon Primary School is going from strength to strength and all involved should be proud of the school’s progress.”

Reading outside

The school was given an ‘Outstanding’ rating for leadership and management with all other categories rated as ‘Good’ with the inspectors hailing the rapid improvement since the last inspection.

Ben Foley, Headteacher said, "The substantial improvements in all areas over the last 2 years (especially in the quality of teaching and learning and in leadership and management) are a testament to the passion for learning, unwavering dedication and consistent hard work of all children, parents, staff and Governors. Our school has exceedingly high standards and expectations of all children and staff, where we continuously strive to provide the best possible educational experiences for all of our children. "

In 2014, 90% of pupils attained Level 4 or above in the key stage 2 grammar, punctuation and spelling test. This is an increase of 28 percentage points over the previous year and brought the school well above the national average. 93% of pupils attained Level 4 or above in the key stage 2 mathematics test in 2014 an increase of 11 percentage points over the previous year. This level of attainment was maintained in the most recent results.

Greed Dragon School

Andrew Lawrence, Chair of Governors said, "The governing body works hard, in unity, with the school leadership to drive great outcomes for the pupils of Green Dragon ... so Ofsted's decision comes as no surprise because we know what a fantastic and vibrant school, Green Dragon Primary is ... we look forward to continue to work with energy and enthusiasm to deliver outstanding educational experiences at Green Dragon ."

March 8, 2016