Is Twenty Plenty?

Boroughwide consultation on 20mph speed limit

Many of Hounslow’s schools are already within 20mph zones and by May 2018 the streets around every school will be protected in this way. These areas are shown in yellow (and orange) on the map below with the star representing schools

The council is considering rolling these zones out across all residential roads in the borough which don’t carry through traffic, and on some sections of roads which do carry through traffic where there is lots of pedestrian activity. These are higlighted in blue on the map.

The reasons for this are:

  • To reduce the number of people injured on our roads
  • Lower vehicle speeds reduce the number and severity of injuries
  • Having all residential areas 20mph will be easier for drivers
  • It will make our roads better places for pedestrians and cyclists

Consultation Map of Brentford and Isleworth

Deputy leader of Hounslow Council, Councillor Amrit Mann, said: “The evidence for reduced speeds is compelling - a 10mph reduction in vehicle speed can reduce the risk of collision by about 50 per cent.

“In addition to the safety benefits, we are also looking at whether making all residential roads 20mph, rather than having a patchwork of 20mph limits just around schools, will be clearer for drivers to know what speed limit applies where.

“Which roads would sensibly be exempt from 20mph limits? In the interests of safety, we need to get the right balance.”

Visit Hounslow Council's consultation page where you can respond on line. The consultation will be open from 1 July to 30 September.

July 15, 2015