Drug Dealer Arrested in Clayponds Estate

Found in bed with a hunting knife and a large amount of drugs

On Tuesday 21st November a drug dealer was arrested in Clayponds estate.

He was found lying in his bed with a hunting knife and a large amount of drugs. He was arrested for being concerned in the supply of class A drugs.

The drug dealer was located and detained following a search warrant issued by the courts.

A further search revealed two shotguns and a quantity of shotgun cartridges. He was further arrested for being in possession of a firearm.

Police will continue to work with Hounslow Council to seek to evict him as this provides more evidence he is bringing anti social behaviour on the estate.

If you have any information regarding any suspicious criminal activities please contact Police on 101 ( non-emergency), Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or contact your local Police team - Brentford.snt@met.police.uk / 020 8247 6415. In an emergency always contact Police on 999.

To be informed about the activities on the Local Neighbourhood Police Team you can sign up online to Neighbourhood Link a community messaging system.


December 1, 2017