All are invited to pay their respects to Mal Hackett
The funeral service of a much loved local man will take place next week in Ealing and his family urge anyone who wish to pay their respects to attend.
Malcom Hackett was well known in the area as the man on the bike or 'tiger man' - one of his trademarks being a toy tiger head on his handle bar. He always had a cheery smile, said hello and chatted to many people playing his radio on his two wheel trips around Northfields and South Ealing.
He died after suffering a heart attack on the South Ealing Road on the evening of Saturday 17th December.
Malcolm - who was 87 - was originally from Woodford in County Galway and one of 14 children - 13 boys and one girl.
His father served in both First and Second World Wars for the British Army and was mentioned in despatches.
Malachy - known as Mal to the family - was a twin but his brother died some years ago. He is thought to have moved to England around sixty years ago and worked in the building trade as a steeplejack.
His nephew William Bassett said Mal - who lived in Brentford - had no immediate family - he never married or had children but did have a good friend who lived in Ealing whom he saw regularly and helped look after.
Mr Bassett says he was surprised to hear how well known Mal was in the area but could understand why he was remembered with affection:
He recalls: '' When we were children he used to come back to Ireland at Christmas and would hand us all a pound note - we thought we were millionaires and he Father Christmas''.
Mal told the family he always wanted to be an actor and apparently got a little closer to achieving his wishes after a video about him was made by a local film student.*
Funeral arrangements are being dealt with Mr Bassett and his sisters.
The service will take place at Christ The Saviour Parish Church on Thursday 19th January at 12.30pm. All who knew him or wish to pay their respects are very welcome to attend.
His ashes will be taken back to County Galway to be buried with his mother.
January 12, 2017