Brentford May Fayre - Saturday May 16

How Well Do You Know Brentford?

Brentford May Fayre at St Paul's Recreation Ground, 12noon-4pm, FREE ENTRY

  • Face Painting
  • Donkey Rides
  • Morris Dancing
  • Tug of War
  • Toy Stalls
  • Barn Dancing
  • Bake a Cake Competition (rules to follow)
  • and much more...

How well do you know Brentford?!!

Have a go at answering these questions by visiting each place and landmark. Answers will be given out at the Fayre.

  1. Complete the title _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Steam Museum
  2. When are the 'Giants of Steam' running in August?
  3. What can you see from the cafe at 399, High Street?
  4. What are the names of the pubs at each corner of the Football Ground?
  5. Who laid the foundation stone at St Paul's church in 1867?
  6. What year did rebuilding take place at St Paul’s Church?
  7. When was St Paul’s Recreation ground opened?
  8. Who had the monument moved to near the County Court?
  9. Who fought through the High Street in 1642?
  10. What year was the Free Church built?
  11. What's the date on the girls' school?
  12. Who was the architect of the Library?
  13. When are Car Boot sales held at Boston Manor Park?
  14. When is the cafe open at Boston Manor Park?
  15. When was the Boatman's Institute built in the Butts?
  16. What is the name of the Lock near Brentford Bridge?
  17. What did the toll clerk do here?
  18. What cargoes were carried on the Grand Union Canal?
  19. How far along the canal is it to Braunston?
  20. When was the toll house built?

If you would like to have a stall at this event, please email for details

St Paul's Recreation Ground is to be found behind Somerfields, between Albany Road and Lateward Road

May 6, 2009

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