Speakers from West London Waste and Council Recycling
brag AGM Wednesday 22nd November 2011 7 pm
Age UK, Alexandra House, Albany Road, Brentford TW8 0NE
All are invited to the twelfth Brentford Recycling Action Group Annual General Meeting. It will be held on Wednesday 22nd of November 2011, at 7.00pm. The venue will be the Age UK premises at Alexandra House, Albany Road, Brentford.
As you probably know, brag (Brentford Recycling Action Group) is a voluntary, non-political community waste action group, made up of local Brentford residents. Braggers work to raise awareness of waste issues and to promote activities and facilities to improve the local environment for the benefit of local people.
Brag will be bringing you up to date on the group's achievements during the last year. This includes their work at community events and the website, which aim to be a valuable resource to all local people with an interest in waste reduction (www.bragonline.org.uk), and other recycling awareness projects.
Along with reports from our committee members the guest speakers will be Sarah Dickinson, Waste Minimisation Coordinator, West London Waste Authority and Naomi Hawkins, acting Head of Waste and Recycling Services, London Borough of Hounslow, who will bring us up to date on local issues. Mel Collins, Brentford ward councillor who is also the Council's spokesman on carbon pollution will give his views on the subject. So, if you've contributed to our success in any way or are just interested in our activities we'd love to see you on the 22nd!
We hope the evening will be as enjoyable as possible so there will be time for informal discussion to accompany the refreshments and wine!
If you'd like to confirm your attendance, or have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to get in touch with any of us at the contacts below.
Douglas Benford Tel 020 8568 3145 e-mail douglas@benfo.demon.co.uk
Patti Horsnell Tel 020 8560 9600 e-mail pattihorsnell@freeuk.com
October 14, 2011