Fix Your Small Devices

BRAG to hold its second Restart Party at Cathja's Kitchen Table

Inspecting a food processor

Do you have any small electrical or electronic devices that need mending?

Do you have the necessary skills to help people repair them?

Brentford Recycling Action Group invite you to their second Restart Party, held with the support of West London Waste Authority and Ealing Friends of the Earth.

Restart Parties are fun and free skill-sharing events run by volunteers, where you can learn how to mend your devices or show others how to do this.

We’ll be meeting between 12 noon and 4pm on Sunday 1 July at Cathja’s Kitchen Table, 129 High Street, Brentford TW8 8EW.

No need to book, just turn up on the day with your devices (charged and with their power adaptors).

At our first party in November 2017, five people brought a total of seven items to be looked at. Two of these were judged to be beyond/not worth mending, four were checked and necessary repairs carried out, and our fixer took one to repair at home as he didn’t have the right equipment with him.

If you’d like to know more, or if you want to offer your skills, please contact Virginia: or 07810 292361

June 19, 2018

Related links

BRAG Brentford Recycling Action Group BRAG (Brentford Recycling Action Group) meets on the first Tuesday of every month at the Toll House at 7pm

This is followed by Green Drinks at 8pm at the Magpie and Crown .

Come along for one or both.