Building Health on Haverfield

What needs to be done?

An event for people on the Haverfield Estate

Saturday 4 December at Mission Hall, Mission Square, Haverfield Estate, 11am-2.30pm.

Please let us know if you want to come by emailing or calling 020 8583 2462.

● Free Morrison’s voucher (for first 20 participants)
● Free entry into raffle draw to win Christmas Hamper worth £150 for all participants!
● Lunch and refreshments for all participants

Why come to this event?

Greener cleaner areas mean healthier, happier residents. Come and share your priorities for improving the estate. We want an action plan for change.

What will happen on the day?

The event will be run very informally, everyone gets to talk about what they think is important. At the end of the day, we will have a set of priorities we can all work together to achieve.

November 23, 2010