Creative Arts festival 2015 set to inspire at West Thames College

Free tickets for the students' shows

west thames college london

West Thames College are getting ready for their annual Creative Arts Festival at their Isleworth campus from the 1st to the 19th June this summer.

Throughout the festival, BTEC as well as HND students will showcase their creativity in the form of dance, Performing Arts, Music, Hair and Beauty. Each show will be the result of months of preparation and featured body painting, handmade wigs, hairstyling, costume, makeup, prosthetics and special effects.

Featured will be electronic and spin session DJ sets in collaboration with South Thames College in the West Thames Endeavour Theatre. During the festival, Performing Arts students will grace the stage with three dramas, The White Witch of Rose Hall, Shut Up and Alice in Wonderland and HND students will be organising a graduate dance show. As well as these events occurring throughout June, West Thames College students are hosting their Art, Design and Media exhibitions for the general public to enjoy.

Students who have graduated from West Thames College studying these courses include Cherica Haye, Textiles and Materials designer for world renowned car manufacturer Rolls Royce, professional dancer that featured on The Voice Jessica Holder and award winning Eleventh Hour and Hercules Actor Rufus Sewell.

For more information visit Creative Arts Festival.


Identity ParadeMonday 1 June

HND Specialist Makeup showcase
5.30-7pm, Atrium
Please contact Magdalena Sprenger for tickets (020 8326 2342)

Wednesday 3 June

West Thames Spin Sessions
12.30-4.30pm, Endeavour Theatre
Electronic and DJ sets in collaboration with South Thames College
(tickets available)

Thursday 4 June

The White Witch of Rose Hall
2.30-4pm, Endeavour Theatre
Higher National Diploma Performing Arts show (tickets available)

The White Witch of Rose Hall
7-8.30pm, Endeavour Theatre
Higher National Diploma Performing Arts show (tickets available)

Wednesday 10 June

Live recording of student compositions performed by a string quartet
1.30-2pm, Room M032 (no ticket required)

ReeceThursday 11 June

HND Dance graduate show
7-9pm, Endeavour Theatre (tickets available)

Tuesday 16 June

Shut Up, a play by Andrew Payne
performed by Level 3 Year 2 Performing Arts students
2.30-4pm, Endeavour Theatre (tickets available)

Shut Up, a play by Andrew Payne
performed by Level 3 Year 2 Performing Arts students
7-8.30pm, Endeavour Theatre (tickets available)

Wednesday 17 June

Alice in Wonderland, installation
by Level 3 Year 1 Performing Arts students
6-7.30pm, college grounds (no ticket required)

Thursday 18 June

Art, Design and Media Exhibitions
10am-4pm, Sir Joseph Banks Building
open viewing of students' work including Fashion and Costume, Photography, Fine Art, 3D Design, Animation, Games and Graphic Design and Creative Media Production (no ticket required)

Come Play the Game of Life
6pm, Endeavour Theatre
Level 3 Specialist Makeup show (tickets available)

Friday 19 June

Art, Design and Media Exhibitions
10am-2pm, Sir Joseph Banks Building
open viewing of students' work including Fashion and Costume, Photography, Fine Art, 3D Design, Animation, Games and Graphic Design and Creative Media Production (no ticket required)


May 14, 2015