Hounslow Greens Question Local Plan

"Why is the Council failing to listen to residents wishes"

Hounslow Green Party would like to congratulate Hounslow Council on their grand vision, however too many conditionals need to be addressed before their plans can go ahead. Most importantly, it seems to completely dismiss existing residents and does not answer the basic question: how will this affect the quality of life of current Hounslow residents? The myriad of local regeneration plans have no realistic solutions, but many promises, to existing problems such as affordable housing, traffic, air pollution, noise, lack of GP surgeries and school places.

Hounslow Green Party understand the need to attract investment and build new homes and we are excited to see that from Hounslow Council too. Nico Fekete, spokesperson for Hounslow Greens, said: “There seems to be little or no input from local residents in the plans. Skyscrapers and high towers belong to Hong Kong not West London. We have a lovely borough, with beautiful parks, local trade and a strong community belonging. Why is the Council failing to listen to residents wishes?”  

Hounslow Greens are left with more questions than answers when reviewing the available documentation of the plan:

  • The time frame 2016-2030 seems unrealistic because the scale of the development, but also because everything needs to be in place first before erecting buildings; transport capacity being a key obstacle.  
  • Hounslow, like every local authority, has a statutory duty to work towards air quality targets established in the Mayor’s Air Quality Strategy and in Government and European policy. How will they tackle this in an area already well over the limits with traffic saturation?  
  • Where will doctor surgeries be located? What about school places? We know there is lack of both now.
  • What green spaces will be gained or lost? The London plan has specific targets for gaining green spaces above 2005 levels. These plans invade parkland.
  • What is the definition of a tall building allowed? The plans mention a category called 11+ floors, but what is the limit? If it is not known, then how can the visualisations presented to the public be correct? 
  • How many Hounslow residents will be affected? Will they need to be relocated? Where? Who will fund it?
  • We would agree to commercial blocks being erected next to the A4/M4 corridors, they could absorb the noise and be of benefit to housing behind it, although there is a a complete loss of privacy and surrounding residents should have a say.

Fekete continued: “Hounslow Green Party is very concerned that the Council planners believe their own conceptual designs and fear they might be having a Walt Disney moment. Their plans are expensive, massive in scale and ask Hounslow residents to put up with at least 15 years of disruption”.

Find out more about Hounslow Local Plan and the current consultation for the "Great West Corridor" which does include you.

February 11, 2016

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VW and Wheatstone House
Lionel Road
Consented and future developments taken from Chiswick Curve application

Hounslow Green Party

Green Party