Hounslow schools exercise their democratic rights

Did you know it was European Local Democracy Week?

Eight primary schools in Hounslow took part in mock elections last week as part of European Local Democracy Week.

Around 200 children from across the borough visited the Civic Centre in an event delivered jointly by officers from the borough’s Electoral, Democratic and Youth Service teams. Students learned about the many services provided by the council, how each one is managed, as well as career opportunities working for a local authority.

Talking about Local democracyPrimary school pupils also learned about how democracy works on a local level, as well as in general elections and European Parliamentary elections. To illustrate the point, students were asked to participate in a mock general election to show them how their vote would work as part of a community – David Beckham was voted in as the Prime Minister of Great Britain.

Thomas Ribbits and Stephen Hutchinson from Hounslow Council are pictured helping a pupil learn about local democracy.

 Students in attendance also got to meet previous Mayors Cllr Colin Ellar and Cllr Paul Lynch and learnt about the responsibilities and duties of the Mayor and Councillors.

Theo Dennison, Hounslow’s cabinet member for performance and customer care said:

 “The right to vote is one of the most important rights you can have in a democratic country.

 “We hope all the students that visited us over the week were able to understand how important their vote will be in the future, and how it will affect many aspects of their lives; about the roads they drive and cycle on, the schools they and their families attend, the neighbourhoods they live in, as well as so many other issues.

 “It was fantastic to see so many young people finding the visit informative and fun, and I hope that they will exercise their democratic rights in the future and make a difference to their local community.”

October 20, 2011