Cllr Curran responds to criticism of the new landlord incentive scheme
Councillor Steve Curran, cabinet member for housing, planning and regeneration responds to discussion on our forum entitled Cutbacks? What cutbacks?:
"I’ve read these threads with interest, and thought it would be useful to offer readers some clarity on the new incentive scheme for landlords which we’ve put together to encourage local landlords to work with the council.
"The scheme includes grants of up to £15,000 to bring empty properties back into use. It’s intended to be used solely for improvement works. There are a number of criteria that have to be met, but basically, the property concerned must have been vacant for a minimum of six months, the landlord must pay half the costs for the works, and finally the property must be let for a minimum of five years through the council’s lettings scheme
"All of this helps provide more affordable accommodation for people who are currently in bed and breakfast or expensive temporary accommodation. It also helps to reduce our costs, with an average saving of up to £177 per week on the cost of temporary accommodation.
"Needless to say if we bring empty homes back into use, there are wider benefits, including local regeneration and reduced vandalism and ASB.
"Details are set out in our Empty Property Strategy. There are also other discretionary housing grants available to bring a property up to a reasonable standard. "
July 26, 2013