Brook Road South to extend southwards
The Council is proposing to add Albany Place, Albany Road and Wilkes Road, Brentford into the Brook Road South & Brentford Stadium Event CPZ. The intention of the CPZ is to remove all day non-residential parking and to increase the parking provisions for residents, their visitors and local businesses. The CPZ is also intended to reduce the influx of vehicles in the early evening from the surrounding residential developments.
The CPZ will also include waiting restrictions at all road junctions within the zone to reduce obstructive parking and increase visibility, and the general safety, of vehicle users and pedestrians.
The operation times for the CPZ will be between Mondays to Fridays 10am-11am and 7pm
to 8pm and on Saturdays between the hours of 2.30pm and 3.30pm on an event day.
Vehicles displaying a valid permit may park. There will also be some pay and display parking bays with charges of £2.00 for 60 minutes, pro rata.
Any person wishing to object to the proposed Orders should send a statement in writing stating the grounds of the objection to the Director of Regeneration, Economic Development & Environment to Civic Centre, Lampton Road, Hounslow TW3 4DN or by email to quoting the reference TMO/P042/15 to be received by no later than Friday 25 September 2015.
Consultation document including maps (pdf)
September 11, 2015