Proposed Controlled Parking Zone for Haverfields

Any objections must be received before Christmas

Hounslow Council are proposing to introduce a new Controlled Parking Zone in the Haverfields Area off of Green Dragon Lane, Brentford following consultation with residents.

They say the purpose of this CPZ is to remove all day non-residential parking and increase parking provision for residents and their visitors. The CPZ will also include ‘single and double yellow line’ waiting restrictions, where it is deemed necessary, to reduce obstructive parking and increase visibility, improving the general safety of vehicle users and pedestrians.

The operation times for the CPZ will be Monday to Friday 10-11am & 7pm-8pm and Match Day Saturday 2.30pm -3.30pm except Christmas Day, Good Friday and Bank Holidays pm during which vehicles displaying a valid permit may park.

The proposed CPZ incorporates both the adopted public highway and Hounslow Housing parking areas.


If you wish to object to the proposal write to Brendon Walsh, Executive Director of Regeneration, Economic Development & Environment at Civic Centre, Lampton Road, Hounslow TW3 4DN or by email to quoting the reference TMO/P062/16 to be received by no later than Friday 23 December 2016.

December 15, 2016