Development would comprise three towers of up to 16 storeys in height
GGI view of the development at Capital Interchange Way
The revised proposal to develop a site on Capital Interchange Way has been submitted.
The new plan is for three tower blocks with a maximum height of sixteen storeys on the site which is currently a scaffolders’ yard opposite the Citroen garage.
The development by Redrow and Catalyst would contain 420 apartments of which 122, will be one bedroom, 266 two bedroom and 32 three bedroom. There would be around 30,000 sq ft of commercial space and 10,000 of retail space.
The eastern side of the site fronts onto Capital Interchange Way and fills almost the entire northern edge of this section of the road. To the west of the site is a train line that is currently used by freight trains only. To the south of the site lies the proposed new access to the Brentford Stadium development.
The overall building organisation is three residential blocks that sit above the mixed-use podium deck with a commercial development located at the northern end of the site next to the A4/M4.
The commercial development is accessed from the north east corner of the site. It consists of 4 levels of commercial space which forms part of one of the residential blocks.
Overall 3D plan of Capital Interchange Way development
There would be a mix of property types in the development including shared ownership, affordable rent and market ownership.
CGI of development at night
Although the scheme is lower in height than a previous plan which would have seen buildings of up to 22 storeys high the development would still be visible from some local beauty spots. The views from parts of Gunnersbury Park cemetery would be marred by the buildings and the development would also tower over the historic buildings of Strand on the Green in Chiswick when viewed from the Surrey bank of the Thames.
Views of new development (purple) from Surrey bank of the Thames
View from Katyn Memorial in Gunnersbury Cemetery
On this subject of Strand on the Green the documentation that accompanies the development states of development, “This would introduce a form of development of a significant scale at odds with the listed buildings and in some viewpoints, directly above the ridgeline of the historic built form.”
The reference for the planning application with Hounslow Council is P/2018/4117. It is expected to be heard at the February Planning Committee.
January 9, 2019