Park Road Allotments Plan Rejected

Opponents of the proposals to build flats and houses on site celebrate win

View from the north

This Thursday's (22 June) Hounslow Planning Committee has rejected proposals for the development of Park Road allotments and their relocation to Syon Park causing celebration among opponents of the scheme.

This outcome was not widely expected as the Council's planning officers had recommended approval.

Northumberland Estates, which was the entity acting for the Duke of Northumberland. had made two linked applications, one for proposed development at Park Road Allotments (P/2016/0717) and the other for alternative site for allotments in Syon Park (P/2016/0716).

The first application would have resulting in the building of of eight blocks of three- and four-storey buildings to create 119 flats and eight houses. These would be owned and managed by Northumberland Estates to provide private rented sector (PRS) housing with the revenue going towards maintenance of Syon House.

Site diagram

Location of Park Road Allotments
Site of Park Road allotments (Google)

The proposals met with opposition from current allotment holders who said that the alternative site was not suitable.

The Isleworth Society had objected to it saying, "To erect buildings on this site would be detrimental to the character of the Isleworth Riverside Conservation Area and would devalue its status as a whole".

View from west
View into the crescent

The replacement 37 allotments would have been in between the Lion Gate and the Duchess Gate path.

Allotment site

1,187 people signed the petition to save Park Road Allotments and the allotment holders have a Facebook page.


June 23, 2017