Exhibition by developer shows smaller theatre and fewer cinema screens
Updated image of police site
London Green have just held a second exhibition of the new revised proposals to move Watermans Arts Centre from its current location to a new position on the old police station in Half Acre (pictured above looking north from outside Goddards).
The replacement Watermans Arts Centre is being downgraded compared to previous designs. Three cinema screens are reduced to two. Two studios have been cut to one.The theatre was proposed as a 500 seater but is now being reduced in size.
Flats will be built on both the old police station site and the current Watermans and Max Factor buildings as part of a project that will see approximately 300 flats being built across both sites.
105 flats will be built on top of the Arts Centre which will be seven storeys high.
Albany Riverside will have 193 new homes arranged over three blocks and will be 8 storeys high from the high street and nine from the river, losing 15 homes from the previous design. Two storeys of underground car parking have reduced to one, leaving 43 car parking spaces.
London Green say the joint development will include a number of affordable homes to be agreed with Hounslow Council which will be on the police station site.
Revised Albany Riverside
If you want to make a comment to the developer you can email regeneratingbrentford@yourshout.org or 0800 458 6976 or by post at:
Regenerating Brentford Consultation
Your Shout
107 Southbank House
Black Prince Road
London SE1 7SJ
Exhibition boards have been posted online at regeneratingbrentford.com after the exhibition.
July 14, 2017