Lord Nelson's Landlord In The Pulpit This Sunday

Followed by 20 percent discount on Sunday lunch

If you get yourselves to St. Faith’s this Sunday at 10am to see Nelson landlord Lee talk about his role in the community, as his part of the job swap with Reverend Durkin, you’ll be in the company of the Mayor of Hounslow. All are welcome to this friendly service, followed by reviving tea and coffee. 

Back to Saturday night at the Lord Nelson, where the job swap begun, saw the Reverend Derath Durkin fulfil her part of the Vicar and Pub Landlord job swap, when she pulled pints throughout for the evening. The bar was full of parishioners and friends of St. Faith’s, there to support Derath in her swap. She pulled it off with great aplomb. Reverend Durkin even served a perfect pint for the Mayor of Hounslow, who generously donated his support for the evening and chatted with a host of locals and regulars a like. St. Faith’s Players were also hosting their AGM dinner at the Nelson, so the bar was teeming with familiar faces. 

Reverend Derath Durkin behind the barWhen Derath had a chance to draw breath she said “Phew!! What a night!! The pub was bustling with so many people, the atmosphere absolutely great in there.  

"I was touched by the support of so many from St Faith’s and St Paul’s who came with their families to support me. The bar staff were very generous and helpful to me. They were a joy to work with. I had dreaded being asked for some weird and wonderful cocktail, but despite many threats to do so, thankfully no one did!  

"It was great to see the Mayor with us and some of the local councillors too. My apologies to those I didn’t get to talk to. I certainly gained an insight into a busy bar! I look forward to welcoming Lee at St Faith’s Church on Sunday morning, along with the Mayor, councillors and lots of Lee’s customers from the Nelson”. 

Landlord Lee Bartlett was a happy man with takings up. He was effusive in his praise for Derath “Takings were up by 35% on an average Saturday so great! What a great turn out to see Derath fulfil her half of the deal, still so impressed with the way she handled it, hope I will be able to call on her in the future?’ 

Roll up for round two this Sunday at 10am, when Lee gives the talk in the Sermon slot at St. Faith’s. All welcomed, so do come along with family and friends. Tea and coffee served after the service too. 

February 5, 2010