Free Screening of 'In Transition'

Feedback from Transition Town Brentford meeting and date for diary

The first meeting to discuss the initiation of a Transition Town project in Brentford got off to a lively and exciting start with over 20 local people converging on a meeting room at 108 High Street Brentford last Tuesday. At the meeting we agreed our next activity would be a free film showing of ‘In Transition’, the first detailed film about the Transition movement.

The Transition movement is about communities around the world responding to peak oil and climate change with creativity, imagination and humour, and setting about rebuilding their local economies and communities. It is positive, solutions focused, viral and fun.' This film is good for those who want to find out more about what a Transition project means. There will be a discussion following the film as well as refreshments.

'In Transition' will be showing free at 108 High Street (map here) on Tuesday 8th February at 7pm. Please come along and invite anyone you like. You are advised to bring a cushion and wrap up warm.

There will also be a meeting on the 22nd February to organise the Transition Town project in Brentford (Further details to be confirmed)

Summary of First meeting

Following a brief go-around where participants said their name and where they were from as well as their interests, we had a short presentation from Lou Almond, who explained what a Transition Town Project was.

We then heard from Carrie from Transition Town Ealing who gave us a run through of the history of TTE, as well as a description of the sorts of activities that they have been engaging in. This was followed by a Q&A.

At this point, the group divided up into 5 smaller groups to engage in a discussion based on two questions: 'What would you like the objectives of TT Brentford to be?' and 'How would you like to achieve the objectives?' After 15 minutes or so, the small groups came back into the main group and one person from each delivered a summary of what the group had come up with. The diversity in the responses, views and opinions of the groups reflected the diverse backgrounds of the participants.

Responses included a desired aim to localise food production through community gardens, working with the council and guerrilla gardening! Others expressed interest in stimulating the local economy through the creation of a local currency, and rejuvenating the High Street in Brentford. The meeting produced an excellent range of exciting and visionary ideas which if carried through would definitely have a positive and profound effect on the local area in the years to come. If you are interested in taking part, please look out for more messages concerning our meeting on Feb 22nd.

This meeting is open to everyone (no matter your level of knowledge, interest or ability to participate). We are interested in hearing the views and participation of anybody in the local community, so come along and get involved. If you require any further details please contact Brentford Transitioners via email at


February 1, 2011