Brentford's Christmas Lights Are On

The party grows bigger each year

sticky stuffThe festivities started straight after school with Christmassy cards and decorations being created with Claire Collison and Liz Gers of Extended Services, ably supported by some of Julia Quilliam's team who helped out all evening.

Albert and Friends Circus did a quick warm up in the hall while the crowds arrived, as did Green Dragon's choir. They then sat very quietly, without paper rustling, while the hall filled.

Brentford's councillors were there, Ruth Cadbury, Andrew Dakers and Matt Harmer; as were Paul and Shirley Fisher. Councillor Dakers opened the formal part of the evening with a speech of thanks to all who have helped support the Brentford Christmas lights, symbolising the wonderful community we have here in Brentford.

Jane Buck and Liz Sylvester led Green Dragon's choir with some beautiful renditions of Christmas songs and demonstrating their considerable talent by offering us Holy Night in English, French and German.

The choir were thanked by Hounslow's mayor, Councillor Paul Lynch, in a resplendent waistcoat from Damascus who then congratulated the two girls Rachel Hagerty and Sabrina Cardoso both from Our Lady of  St. John who had been chosen to switch the lights on.

Everyone then proceeded onto Watermans terrace where the lights were duly switched on, releasing silver and gold confetti much to everyone's surprise. Albert and Friends Circus then proceeded to entertain the crowd until the cold set in.

November 30, 2009

Related links

Extended Services
Claire Collison and Liz Gers of Extended Services

Councillor Dakers

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