Police in Chiswick


Crime Prevention Advice

DISCLAIMER: Crime prevention advice is given freely without the intention of creating a contract. The Metropolitan Police Service does not take responsibility for the advice given.

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Home Security

ALL external doors and windows should be strong enough to deter or prevent a break in. Consider fitting laminated glass and British Standard locks.

ALWAYS fully close and lock all external doors and windows when nobody is at home. DO NOT leave ground floor windows open when you go to bed

BEWARE of bogus callers, check their ID and refuse them entry if at all concerned. Utilities workers will always carry ID and have a central telephone number to confirm it

TRY to make your home look occupied when you are out. Install timers for lamps and leave a radio on a talk station.

DO NOT close the curtains when you go away on holiday

GARDEN fences must be at least 1.8 metres high and in good condition. Consider the addition of a trellis top and grow unfriendly plants to deter climbing

CONSIDER the installation of exterior security lighting

PROPERTY mark and photograph your valuables. A UV pen or an etcher can be used on non antique property to mark the postcode and house number.
Antiques should be photographed on a white background next to a ruler to indicate scale

DO NOT leave any property on display in the hallway which can fished out through the letterbox. Consider installing a letterbox guard or box on the interior

ALARMS should preferably be monitored to ensure a Police response

Personal Safety

DON'T walk whilst using your mobile phone and consider not using it in public areas where you can easily be seen

BEWARE of carrying large amounts of money on your person in public. Very expensive jewellery and watches may also attract the wrong king of attention

KEEP wallets and purses secured and out of reach. DO NOT leave your handbag on the trolley when shopping

SEPARATE keys from items which include your name and address

BEWARE of incidents designed to attract your attention.

ALWAYS have a rough idea of the time so you do not have to look at your watch if asked

WALK with confidence. Try not to give off an air of vulnerability even if in unfamiliar surroundings

USE well lit main raids where possible and avoid walking close to hedges and tree lines

IF you think you are being followed head for a busy area such as a 24 Hour store or garage

REMEMBER - drink and drugs will affect your personal safety, awareness and instinct

LAPTOP cases have only one purpose. Consider carrying yours in rucksack or other non descript holdall

DON'T drop your guard when nearing your home

Vehicle Security

SHUT AND LOCK the doors, windows, sunroof and boot every time you leave the car unattended, especially on petrol station forecourts

DO NOT leave your car insecure or the keys in the ignition

CONSIDER fitting an alarm and immobiliser or tracking system to your vehicle

DO NOT leave any property on display in your vehicle, particularly laptop computers and mobile phones

IF your stereo is removable, take it with you. DO NOT put it under the seats

ARRANGE to have the registration number or chassis number etched onto all glass surfaces on the car

IF your spare wheel is in a cage under the vehicle, consider fitting a padlock and chain to help secure it

Street Crime



  • Think ' How do I get there and 'How will I get back before you leave - This is especially important if you are going to an unfamiliar area
  • Tell someone where you are going and what time you expect to return - If going by Taxi, have details of the company you are using
  • Think about any possible danger points - Will a well lit and busy street be dark and empty when you leave

Look Confident

  • Wear comfortable clothes and shoes which allow free movement
  • Remember your body language - Stand tall and look like you know where you are going
  • Carry a shriek alarm ( and learn how to use it ), emergency phone numbers, some change, a phone card and keep your keys in a safe pocket

Avoid Risks And Be Aware

  • Keep looking and listening to what's happening around you
  • Keep away from odd and out of the way places if possible
  • Try not to change your plans at the last minute - If you do, let someone know
  • Keep one hand free - not shoved in your pocket

Never Take Your Safety For Granted

Don't Think:

  • It only happens to other people
  • It's only a short journey
  • They look honest

Securing Your Garden Shed

Garden Sheds are often easy targets for burglars to steal tools, lawnmowers, electrical goods and pedal cycles. Even if you don't keep anything of value in your shed, burglars can use your tools to break into your home (or your neighbours' home)
Between February and August 2002, twenty sheds in the Chiswick Area were broken into.

Make sure that the door, doorframe and walls are solid and replace any damaged or rotten sections.

Fit two closed shackle padlocks on strong padlock hasps, one a third of the way up from the bottom of the door and one a third down from the top.

Screws are easily pulled out or forced from the wood so should be secure padlock hasps and door hinges using threaded coach bolts with backing plates, or large backing washers to prevent the bolts being pulled through the wood.

Fit key operated window locks on windows that open. If the window is never opened, it could be screwed shut from the inside. Broken panes should be replaced with laminated glass. Consider fitting wire mesh on the inside of the window frame.

Chain garden tools together using strong chain. Then secure to a solid wall or floor anchor. If expensive tools have to be stored in the shed, consider purchasing a strong lockable box or cage. Pedal cycles should also be chained together and ideally locked to secure cycle rack.

Ladders must be chained to prevent their use.

Consider marking your garden tools and lawnmower to make it less attractive to thieves. Tools or lawnmowers with your postcode and house number etched into them are harder to sell on.

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