BMX Track Planned For Perivale

Proposals to move Ealing Bike Park from Gurnell Leisure Centre

Plans have been submitted to Ealing Council for a new BMX track in Perivale.

If approved, The Ealing Bike Park which is currently at Gurnell Leisure Centre, would be relocated to the new site in Longfields Playing Fields close to Perivale Gold Course and Perivale Athletics track off Stockdove way.

A public exhibition was held in January about the proposals with staff from Access Sport, Ealing BMX Club volunteers and the Council present.

Their publicity material said "The Ealing Bike Park, is designed to suit all abilities, including disabled people, and from complete beginners learning to ride, through to experts."

The new site would have a BMX cycle track with 4 x 15m lighting masts, a building for equipment storage, toilet and parking.

Plans can be viewed here

Gurnell Leisure Centre is currently closed as a result of the current Covid-19 pandemic and was expected to close for redevelopment during the summer of 2020 and re-open in the spring of 2023

A council spokesperson said:

"We are expecting the planning application to be lodged in the coming weeks and this is anticipated to coincide with an update to the website with information on how people can comment under the current circumstances.'"


May 6 2020