Ealing Civic Society Announces This Year's Award Winners

Two school projects among those commended

Commended: Additional Resource Provision (ARP) at Havelock Primary School.

October 19, 2023

The Ealing Civic Society held its annual award scheme this year in which examples of good design in the borough were recognised.

The ceremony was held at Open Ealing on the evening of Tuesday 17 October with winners presented with certificates by Alice Lester MBE, Director for Regeneration, Growth and Employment, Brent Council who also spoke about Brent’s own design award scheme, initiated this year.

The short-listed entries were judged by ex-Borough architect Gavin Leonard and local architects Ania Lill and Anthony Ferguson.

This year, three projects were commended including the Additional Resource Provision (ARP) at Havelock Primary School. This provides children with special needs additional resources to support their integration into the wider mainstream school community. The judges felt that the provision delivered the principles of ARP well, and were particularly impressed with the integration of inside and outside spaces and newly renovated sensory garden.

Another ARP unit at Fielding Primary School was also commended. The judges were impressed by the detailing and execution reflecting the close working relationship between the architect and client Head Teacher.

Commended: Another ARP unit at Fielding Primary School

Pitzhanger Hub is a multi-purpose space created from a former yard that had been used as a ‘dumping ground’ but can now be utilised by volunteers and for small events. The judges felt that the design responded well to the historic fabric of the yard and adjacent stables and as an interpretation of architectural detail found in Soane’s Pitzhanger Manor.

Commended: Pitzhanger Hub

Other entries that were shortlisted were Market Place at Acton, a residential/commercial building that replaced a dilapidated low-rise building on a difficult site and The Ealing Project where basement premises beneath a shopping centre have been repurposed. Previously occupied as a nightclub it now offers cinema screens and a large open bar/café/gallery space that can also host music events.

Ealing Civic Society Chairman, Ann Chapman, reminded attendees that the aim of the award was to promote and celebrate good design across all kinds of building and landscape. The Society’s award scheme was an early promoter of good design, which is now increasingly being recognised as an important contributor to a sense of place and community. She noted that numbers and variety of the entries received had been limited this year but was pleased that the judges had been able to commend three schemes.

Since 1989 the Society has given awards to recognise and encourage building and environmental projects that make a noteworthy contribution to the community in the Borough of Ealing. Winners receive a certificate and a full award winner may display a specially designed Society plaque.

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