When will Covid-19 Pfizer vaccinations begin in the borough?
When Will Covid-19 Pfizer Vaccinations Begin in Ealing?
Don’t hold your breath or roll up your sleeve just yet. The Pfizer vaccine only arrived at the UK Regulator (NHRA) for formal approval on 20 November 2020. There have been no formal announcements by NHS England, Ealing Council, Ealing Clinical Commissioning Group, Ealing NHS Primary Care Network (our 75 GP Surgeries) or NHS North West London as to when, where and how Covid-19 Pfizer vaccinations will take place in Ealing.
The Government has a strict priority order for who is offered a vaccination. The order is older residents in care homes, care home workers, 80 years old or over, health and social care workers, 75+, 70+, 65+ and then high risk adults over 65. How and who will select/contact/offer/book these high priority cohorts is especially unclear.
And… why no priority for front line retail and transport staff you might well ask?
The Weekly Number of Covid-19 Cases is Rising in Ealing
In the week of 10 November to 16 November 2020 there were 876 new Covid-19 cases in Ealing. The Covid-19 infection rate was 256.3 /100,000. The equivalent numbers for the week before were 782 cases and a rate of 228.8. The rate across London was 200 and across England 273.4. The ‘R’ number for London is 1.1.
For the three neighbourhoods I’ve been periodically checking over the last 25 days, here are the rates/100,000 people for 29 October, 3 November, 13 November and 22 November:
Cuckoo Park, Hanwell: 151.2, 286.9, 237.7, 280.9
Southall Park: 284.1,286.5, 318.4, 392.7
Elthorne Park: 155.4, 186.5, 62.2, 93.3
(Public Health England)
Judicial Review Court Hearing to Quash Five Covid-19 Response Ealing LTNs on 2 February 2021
Between August and early November 2020 eight Ealing Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs) were installed primarily in West Ealing, but also in South Ealing and Acton. The Government tells us that LTNs are enabling people to walk and cycle more while the capacity of public transport remains limited by social distancing. Those opposing the Ealing LTNs say they are delaying emergency services, creating road congestion, increasing pollution, isolating our elderly and disabled and damaging our local businesses.
Local opposition to the Ealing LTNs has been enormous. On 12 September over 2,500 people marched through Ealing loudly objecting to the LTNS. An anti-LTN petition has gained over 10,800 signatures. Between 25 August and 6 September a West Ealing Neighbours online LTN poll of 921 residents revealed 71% were ‘strongly opposed’ to LTN 21 (‘West Ealing South’). And Ealing Conservative Party is reporting 92% opposition in its current online LTN survey.
On 2 October a Judicial Review (JR) was initiated to quash five of the Ealing LTNs. A JR Court Hearing is scheduled for 2 September 2021. Over £30,000 has so far been raised to support this legal action, but more is needed:
Covid-19 Restrictions Relocate Annual Ealing Charity Christmas Card Shop to an Email Order Catalogue
The annual volunteer-run pop-up Ealing Charity Christmas Card Shop (ECCCS) cannot have a physical location this year because of Covid-19 restrictions. This year you can place email orders for Christmas Cards supporting 19 charities. Also for sale are postage stamps and wrapping paper. All the money raised goes to the charities. ECCCS has operated annually since 1985 and over the years has sold an estimated £800,000-worth of cards to 21,000 customers. To see the catalogue and place your order go to this link.
Could Covid-19 Response TfL Cash Crisis Halt the Completion of the Four New Ealing Crossrail Stations?
Agreement is needed this week for TfL to secure £80 million from the Government to ‘keep the Crossrail project on track’. If this money is not forthcoming from the Government, TfL says the whole Crossrail project could be mothballed. The Government says it’s keen to see the Crossrail project completed – but TfL must fund its completion. The uncompleted Ealing Crossrail stations are Acton Mainline, Ealing Broadway, Southall and West Ealing
Wedding Venues in Southall Fined and Closed Down for Covid-19 Restriction Breaches
The ‘Milan Palace’ and the ‘Tudor Rose’, both in Southall, have had their licenses suspended after joint action by Ealing Council and the Metropolitan Police. Both venues have been fined and ordered to close for three months after hosting illegal weddings during Covid-19 restrictions. The illegal events took place in September and October. The ‘Milan Palace’ was fined almost £7,000 for three separate breaches. At one event 150 people attended. The ‘Tudor Rose’ was fined £1,000 for one breach – an event which over 60 people attended.
Eric Leach
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November 24, 2020