Ealing Sporting Heroes Recognised at Awards

Annual ceremony held to celebrate volunteers at local clubs

Tanvir Ahamed of London Tigers receives his coach of the year award with Mayor of Ealing, Councillor Yvonne Johnson and high jumper Dalton Grant
Tanvir Ahamed of London Tigers receives his coach of the year award with Mayor of Ealing, Councillor Yvonne Johnson and high jumper Dalton Grant

August 15, 2024

Sports people, clubs, coaches and volunteers from across the borough of Ealing have been celebrated at the annual Ealing Sports Awards.

It is the seventh time the event, which is organised by Ealing Council in partnership with Ealing Council, has been held.

The Mayor of Ealing, Councillor Yvonne Johnson presented awards at the event which took place at William Perkin High School, Greenford last month. British Champion and Olympic high jumper, Dalton Grant was the special guest.

There were two recipients of the Outstanding Contribution to Sport award. Onkar Singh MBE has taught almost 10,000 students karate at Combat Karate Club in Southall since 1977. His students say that he is always there to listen and ready to support with advice.

Paul Bray, who was also presented with the Outstanding Contribution to Sport award, has been involved in handball for more than 50 years. He has played at the elite level as a Great Britain player, a Great Britain coach and chairman of British Handball. On a local level, he is a founding member of the West London Eagles junior section. On a Saturday Paul can be found training the West London Eagles under-10s followed by the under-14s and under-16s. He continues to support the wider handball community through coaching the Ealing London Youth Games Handball team, volunteering to support school events and delivering coaching activities in schools.

Leila Newth’s passion and talent for athletics saw her presented with the Junior Sports Person of the Year award. Leila competes for Ealing Southall and Middlesex Athletics Club and has collected many medals and titles for hurdles, high jump, long jump and pentathlon. But she has excelled in triple jump, winning the British Indoor championships. Leila said, “Athletics is a huge passion of mine, made even better because of my supportive club. Ealing, Southall & Middlesex AC have a brilliant team of coaches who help me to be the best athlete I can be.”

The best ever results for the borough at this year’s London Youth Games were also celebrated on the night. The borough’s sporting elite won trophies for handball, cricket and volleyball and came overall 6th place at the games.

Ealing Sports Awards 2024 – The winners in full:

Coach of the Year
Winner: Md Tanvir Ahamed – London Tigers
S/listed: Daniel Danso – Pitshanger FC, Jo Crowley – Ealing Judo Club, Lou Crow – Ealing Riding School

Inclusive & Active
Winner: Selina Eshun – Contact Ealing
S/listed: Actonians Ladies FC, West London Warriors Touch Rugby Club

Adult Sports Person
Winner: Patris Mughalzai – Boxing
S/listed: Jaidev Charan – Cricket, Luke Stoughton – Cricket, Thomas Curtis – Hockey

Adult Volunteer
Winner: Cameron Baillie – Featherstone School Sports Partnership
S/Listed: Debra Booker – Athletics, Jessamy Bloom – Rugby, Pinal Gandhi – Cricket, Simon Turner – Croquet

Junior Volunteer:
Winners: Rowan Simpson – Rugby & Tasharn Dawkins – Basketball
S/listed: Finlay Phillips & Toby Micklewright – Hockey, Harvey Spencer-Hotton – Boxing, Morven Pearce -Netball

Junior Sports Person
Winner: Leila Newth – Athletics
S/listed: Jamie Barrett – Boxing, Jaspreet Gill – Waterpolo, Josiah Barter – Equestrian

Sports Club of the Year
Winner: Ealing Trailfinders Rugby Club
S/listed: Ealing Cricket Club, Perivale Park Golf Club, RollaDome All Skate

Junior Club of the Year
Winner: Ealing Southall & Middlesex Athletics Club
S/listed: AJ Sport West FC, Drayton Manor High School Basketball Club, Ealing Hockey Club, London Pulse Basketball Club

Outstanding Contribution to Sport
Winners: Onkar Singh – Combat Karate Club & Paul Bray – West London Eagles Handball Club
S/listed: Delroy Austin – Everyone Active Trampoline Coach, Matt Bantleman – Evolve Development Centre

Ealing Council’s cabinet member for Thriving Communities, Councillor Blerina Hashani said, “Congratulations to our winners and everyone shortlisted. It’s wonderful to see the passion, talent and dedication of the sports people, volunteers and coaches in our borough. We are lucky to have such a thriving network of sports clubs and facilities in the borough and I especially want to thank those volunteers who put their heart and soul into giving people these opportunities.”

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