They say revised plans would 'cram' a block of 7 flats into too small a space
Residents in Northfields are objecting to revised plans for a new development which they say would be crammed into too small an area, overshadow their homes and block sunlight.
The site is the currently single storey A J Spares warehouse Building located at the back of Sainsbury’s and between Derwent and Devonshire Roads.
A previous application for 9 flats in a 4 storey building with office/storage in the basement was withdrawn and the Council has received a revised application to develop the land - turning it into a part 3 storey block of 7 flats with a roof garden and community gym in the basement.
Neighbours have objected to the proposals saying it's still a massive overdevelopment too close to their homes, on a small site and out of keeping with the neighbouring Edwardian houses. They are concerned about parking which they say is already in short supply in the area and
have fears that the excavation work for the basement could cause structural problems for the surrounding houses.
Ward Councillor, David Millican said, ''I originally met the two directors, who are owners of the AJ Spares site, when they submitted their first application, after which they scaled it back. I have arranged to see them again as part of their latest development.
''To me this is a clear overdevelopment trying to cram too much into too small a space and will tell them as such. I hope that this latest scheme is rejected we can get it scaled back further.''
Local residents group Ealing Fields Residents Group is concerned that if approved it could set a precedent for other local sites including behind Overdale Road, and Orion Park.
They are urging everyone to make their feelings known to the Council and add comments to the application.
Details of the planning application can be found here.
March 5, 2020