Community Take Direct Action Over Hanwell 'Drugs Den'

Adverts put up throughout W7 to highlight drugs problem in area

(all photos supplied)

A number of posters have appeared throughout Hanwell advertising a 'pop-up drugs den' causing a few eyebrows to raise.

The brighly coloured laminates have been spotted on lamposts and trees in W7 and locals have been speculating as to what was going on.

Ealing Today can reveal that the tongue-in-cheek 'adverts' have been put up by residents fed up with what they believe to be police inaction over a drugs den on open land near their homes.

Locals took the action because they say they are seeing a steady and increasing stream of men and women visiting the land at Brent Meadows, where children play and dogs are walked, and claim they are buying a wide range of illegal substances.

They say police have failed to close down the drugs business which they believe has been operating for some time and is selling a range of class A drugs.

('customers' of the pop-up drugs den)

They made signs which ostensibly help 'customers' find their way to the den - close to Ealing Hospital - advertising a range of illegal goods for sale, and have put them up on trees and lamposts throughout the local area. The posters also have a pre-order helpline number for any 'customers' - which just happens to be the local police station!

Police have told the residents that they have regular patrols and have conducted stop and search but been unable to arrest anyone as they didn't have any controlled substances on them.

Having had enough and feeling frustrated over the lack of police action, the neighbours joined forces to highlight the problem in a humorous way.

It's already gained the attention of many locals, and one Ealing Councillor, Cllr David Millican says: ''I've written to the Police Neighbourhood Inspector, This scourge needs to be stopped.''

Responding to Cllr Millican, police say over the last fortnight they have been patrolling the location in both uniform and plain clothes and have made 3 separate arrests for possession of drugs.

Norwood Green Safer Neighbourhood Team have started taking down the posters as they say they are concerned they could encourage young children to venture into the area because of the wording 'den'.

Police request locals to stop putting anymore posters up and assure Cllr Millican that the local officers will deal 'robustly' with any illegal activities at the location.


And news just in ( 5/02)

Responding to the publicity and community concerns, police have set up a dispersal zone in Brent Meadows.

This has been granted by Inspector Ballard and is in place from 5th March from 11am - until 7th March ( 10.59am)

Section 35 of the Antisocial Behaviour Police and Crime Act (2014) allows police to authorise the zone for 48 hours and once in place a uniformed officer can direct a person to leave the area and not return for up to 48 hours.


March 5 (updated)