Approval given for new school to move to Little Ealing Lane
It's been announced that approval has been given for Ealing Fields High School to move into the former King Fahad Academy on Little Ealing Lane.
The school has been based in temporary accommodation in Wyke Gardens since it opened last September but negotiations have been ongoing to get the permanent facility.
Headteacher Lee Faith announced the news on the school website.
''We are absolutely delighted to announce that we have secured our permanent site for the School, the former King Fahad Academy on Little Ealing Lane. This is wonderful news for our students, staff, parents and carers who I know have been anxious for updates on progress.
''As many of you are aware, securing the site has been a long and demanding process but we are now in a position to move forward with developing the site. Detailed building surveys began during the later stages of the negotiations and we hope that we will soon be in a position to share greater detail about the proposed build programme.
''It is an exciting site with plenty of space and listed architectural features. It should result in an impressive building for the School. Once we have moved we will continue to use our current site (Wyke Gardens) for sports and recreational activities.
''I would like to thank you for your patience and tolerance with regard to the lack of information we have been able to share with you to date. We are looking forward to sharing plenty of information about the progress we are making towards creating a school building that befits our fantastic students.''
Northfield Councillor David Millican has welcolmed the news and said:“Ealing Fields High School has got off to a great start at their nearby temporary site. So I’m thrilled that they have finally have secured the King Fahad site. The site always was a school and so its only right that it will finally be re-opened. We need the extra school places and Ealing Fields High School will be a great choice for many young people.''
The target date for the school moving to the school is September 2019, subject to obtaining necessary planning permission and securing a building contractor.
April 26th 2017