Ramblings of a Renegade Runner

With low energy and seeking inspiration - luckily it's never too far away

EHM 2018 Finisher Pix
( Finisher pix)

The thing about running is it's more than just running.

Oh,ok,ok maybe I just over complicate things and for some people it probably really is just a matter of lacing up the trainers, getting outside and moving one leg at a time (quicker than normal.)

But for me, it's as much (if not more) all about what's going on in my head. Suffice to say my head has been a little bit busy recently and whilst, (in theory) switching off, going for a run should help, I've found 1001 reasons why I've not had the time.

Most are legitimate, however....hmm, I haven't made running a habit yet, and think I really need to, because habits are hard to break aren't they?

Anyway, I was searching for some motivation and, as if by magic, my mailbox pinged and voila, you can't get much more inspirational than this story.

A local man who has undergone two open heart surgeries, been hospitalised for a number of heart attacks and other cardiac events, will be lining up with the rest of the runners on Sunday 29th September to take part in the 2019 Ealing Half Marathon.

Edward Eagle

Three years ago, Edward Eagle, 60, cheered on the athletes taking part and felt it was something that he too would like to do.

He said: “Watching the event in 2016 and seeing the runners at the back giving it their all really inspired me, I have to admit to feeling a tiny bit jealous of them taking part in this wonderful community event. Their efforts in the race turned to huge celebration at the end, and really showed that they had done something worthwhile. I thought if they can do it, so can I!'

The following year he signed up to join local (and suitably named) running club Ealing Eagles, did the Beginners 0 to 5K programme, completed his first ever continuous 5K and, soon after, his first 10K. He was doing things he had never thought possible. The support of the club meant that he never ran alone and was feeling fitter and healthier than he had in a long time.

Last year he volunteered at EHM on one of the water stations, and seeing all the runners go by just strengthened his resolve to run Ealing Half Marathon himself.

Any hiccups along the way Edward just takes in his stride, such an enforced break from training following his latest heart procedure in April. He is looking forward to resuming his running in May, cheerfully stating that his body will remember what to do.

Edward was invited back to the children's hospital where, aged seven, he underwent his first open heart surgery. As a guest of honour, he celebrated 50 years since his life-saving operation and spent some time talking to young patients in a similar position to the one he found himself in all those years ago.

“You've got to put a positive spin on things. I am alive! If my experience can give just one person the belief that heart surgery is survivable and a full life can be lived afterwards, then I will be happy. I would have laughed out loud at anyone suggesting I run a half marathon, but nothing's impossible if you put your mind to it.

“It may take me a long time, but my Ealing Eagles friends will be waiting for me at the end and cheering me over that finish line. It's an incredible community event, made even better by being a closed road race. The camaraderie amongst the runners is superb and the support from the spectators and volunteers is amazing. I can't wait to be a part of it all!'

As for expected finish time, any time is a guaranteed PB for Edward. The victory for him is arriving at the start line. As he says, the longer you're on the course the more time you have to enjoy the event – and no doubt he's going to relish every minute.


A huge round of applause to Edward. Runners are full of incredible stories; a brief chat at the parkrun the other week and I discovered a couple who had never run until two years ago, now regular parkrunners, he having lost several stone in weight, his partner managing to finish a FULL marathon in under four hours.

Hearing such incredible achievements may just be the kick up the proverbial I need.

Watch this space...


28 May 2019