Final victory for campaigners over plans for Victorian stables
Campaigners are claiming a final victory after the Government's Planning Inspector rejected an appeal to turn a 137-year-old building in Haven Green into a block of flats.
The building - a former stables and latterly a pub - is currently the head office of 'Alfa Energy' and sits within Haven Green conservation area.
Plans had been submitted to knock it down the and turn into a four storey block of flats.
It's one of the oldest buildings in the area - dating back to 1877 - and thousands of people signed a petition against the proposals.
On 5th August 2015, contrary to the Ealing Planning Department's recommendation, Ealing Councillors voted against the proposals.
However the developers appealed to the Planning Inspectorate who looked into the application again.
Local planning expert, Victor Mishiku, who has worked for the last two years on the case, said:
'' As a result of viewing the land on 3rd May 2016 and reading all of the many objection letters and e-mails, developers' submissions, the Petition of 1,151 Objectors to the demolition of the former "Haven Stables" demolition proposed, the Planning Inspector issued his DECISION on 14th September 2016 dismissing the appeal.''
The Inspector concluded that '' the proposals would fail to preserve or enhance the character or appearance of the Haven Green Conservation Area.'' and also '' the Haven Green proposals would have an unacceptable adverse impact on the living conditions of the occupiers of neighbouring residential properties, in terms of outlook and privacy.''
This latest news has been welcolmed by local residents and town centre conservationists who have thanked Mr Mishiku for his tireless work.
20 September 2016