Drivers Face Town Centre Fines After Short 'Grace' Period

Council claim they've done more than legally required

Ealing Council is defending itself over road changes introduced in the town centre - which many drivers currently appear to be ignoring.

New road layout Longfield Ave

Since Monday (18th April) the left turn onto Uxbridge Road from Longfield Avenue has been banned and vehicles can no longer turn right from Uxbridge Road onto Longfield Avenue.

New road layout Longfield Ave

Ealing council say the changes are designed to make it safer for pedestrians and cyclists using Longfield Avenue and to reduce rat-running by drivers. However local councillors and residents believe the changes will cause even more problems on surrounding roads.

New road layout Longfield Ave

Having observed the junction on two days last week and another this week, it appears many motorists are currently not obeying the new road system.

An Ealing Council spokeswoman said:

''We want to make sure that drivers are aware of the changes we introduced to improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists at this junction and have gone above and beyond what is legally required by installing 28 clearly visible road signs.

''As with any changes to the rules, drivers need time to adjust and get used to them, which is why the Council has allowed a short grace period where motorists will only receive warning letters and will not have to pay a penalty. In the future, however drivers recorded on CCTV making an illegal turn will receive a penalty charge notice.''

CCTV will capture the illegal turns and drivers can expect warning letters and then PCNs through the post. The 'grace' period is expected to only last for 'a few weeks'.



26th April 2016