New Ealing Community Diagnostic Centre Opens

Will provide fast-track diagnosis for thousands of patients

The Ealing Community Diagnostic Centre (ECDC) should help ease pressure on existing hospital services
The new centre should help ease pressure on existing hospital services

August 15, 2024

A new £30 million medical facility has opened at Ealing Hospital that will be able to fast-track thousands of patients every year.

The Ealing Community Diagnostic Centre (ECDC) should help ease pressure on existing hospital services and reduce waiting times and offers a range of diagnostic services including CT, MRI and ultrasound scans.

It is the third and largest CDC to open in North-West London - the other two are in Willesden and Wembley - and will serve communities in Ealing, Hanwell, Southall and Greenford, as well as supporting Brent and Harrow boroughs.

GPs can make direct referrals to the centre offering a faster and more convenient service to patients as well as reduce unnecessary hospital visits.

The first patient to use ECDC was Janice Benfield who said it was ‘wonderful’ to have the service available so close to home.

“I’d rather not have fallen but my experience at the hospital has been wonderful and the new centre is so clean and modern.”

ECDC is one of a network of centres across the UK funded by the Government to address the backlog of patients that built up during the pandemic.

It will focus on four ‘priority pathways’ checking on symptoms including asthma, breathlessness, back and chest pain.

Pippa Nightingale, chief executive at LNWH Trust, said, “The service will provide a quick reliable service for our patients and help east pressure on hospital services by allowing GPS to make direct referrals.”

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