Hanwell Writer on 'Surviving A Psychopath '

Crowdfunding campaign launched to help others break free of abusive relationships

A Hanwell designer who has written a book about surviving dangerous, toxic relationships has launched a crowdfunding campaign in a bid to help others.

Nicola Gaughan who runs Iconic Creative has recounted her experiences of 'living with a psychopath' and wants to provide information for others who may find themselves in a similar place.

nicola gaughan

She says, ''I suffered panic attacks, flashbacks, and nightmares where my abuser was trying to kill me. For 6 months after the relationship ended I slept with the light on, a knife under my pillow and a can of hairspray by the bed. I endured death threats and lived in constant fear and vigilance. Over 15 years on, I still suffer from PTSD induced insomnia.

''As part of my healing process, I started talking about my experiences. I then decided to write a book, part auto biographical, part self help book, providing tips on how to recognise psychopathic behaviour, how to deal with it and more importantly, how to escape.''

She continues: ''Hollywood would have us believe that psychopaths are axe wielding homicidal maniacs. Some are, but they're also more 'normal' and hide in plain sight, in families, in offices, schools, the legal professional, the medical professional, in fact anywhere there are people they can use to act as a source for their needs, be it emotional, sexual, financial, accommodation or status.''

Her work has been praised by Cognitive Hypnotherapist, Brooke Hender, who says: '' It’s easy to throw words around such as courage and bravery. In Nicola’s case I feel that they are entirely appropriate for what she went through and how she found her way through it.”

Nicola Gaughan

The photographer and film-maker says she has been advised to get legal advice before publishing 'How to Survive a Psychopath', and also hopes to help survivors of such damaging relationships further.

She says, ''Recovering from a psychopathic encounter is a long process. It is a wound to the deep psyche of a person. Normal counselling isn't enough. Self care is very important, but often the psychopath will have drained you emotionally, spiritually and financially, so that you're unable to provide more than basic survival for yourself.''

She hopes the funding will also enable her to set up a trust or foundation to provide survivors of such damaging relationships with holistic care to help recovery.

For further information and to donate Nicola's crowd funding page can be found here.

8 January 2019