Phantom Pig gourmet food and Easter courses
The Phantom Pig's take on Steak Night
Launching Surf Turf Steak night with Chef Vix Rathour - Thursday 30 March
From 7pm - The Orchard Café - Singapore Road, London W13 0EP
Choose from 28-day aged Angus (£20) (with a interesting surf for an extra £5) or sea bass (£15)
Full details on the OPEN website and The Phantom Pig's facebook page. We are looking forward to celebrating another facet of the talented team's culinary skills.
The Phantom Pig's Pop Up Gourmet Dinner
March Taster Menu - Friday 31 March
7.30pm - The Orchard Café - Singapore Road, London W13 0EP
6 courses preceded by mystery snacks and delicious bread & butter (as if it were that simple...)
Easter Holiday workshops
Monday 3 April - Friday 7 April
10.30am to 3.30pm
The Orchard Café - Singapore Road, London W13 0EP
Half day £12 - Full day £20 - Full week £80 (bring your own packed lunch or +£4/day for café menu)
Our workshop leaders have planned some amazing seasonal sessions for 8-14 year olds - sculpting flowers (or carnivorous plants!) in foil, making their own goodie baskets in clay, filming their own plasticine spring characters in stop-animation, stitching egg-warmers and Easter decorations and printing their own tee-shirts.
Guided by great, professional artists-workshop leaders and supported by friendly volunteers who are passionate about the arts, youngsters will explore various art forms and take home brilliant pieces of art & lovely decorations.
Detailed programme & bookings
March 23 2017