Southall Firm Fined For Selling Dangerous Goods

Phone World Mobile Accessories Ltd in court

A Southall firm which supplied dangerous electrical equipment and counterfeit goods has been fined more than £10,000.

Phone World Mobile Accessories Limited and its director, Ginttu Singh Khurana, of Kas House, Middlesex Business Centre, Southall received fines totalling £7,000. They had entered guilty pleas for a total of 10 and five charges, respectively, for the supply of counterfeit goods and dangerous electrical equipment in breach of regulations.

The company was fined £500 for each charge and ordered to pay court costs of £3292 and a victim surcharge of £50. Khurana was fined £400 for each and ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £40. The company was also ordered to surrender all items removed from their premises except HDMI cables.

The council had inspected a number of businesses in this area of Southall in February 2014 as part of an operation ensuring the safety and integrity of goods being supplied in Ealing. 

Counterfeit mobile phone accessories including brands such as Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Apple, Adidas and Sony adaptors were seized from Phone World Mobile Accessories. Also electrical items and unbranded dangerous mobile phone chargers, which when tested failed to meet the required safety standards. 

The case was heard at Ealing Magistrates’ Court and is part of an ongoing joint operation involving the council and the police.

Pat Hayes, executive director for regeneration and housing, said: “The council takes a tough line against those who endanger the public and break the law. This significant fine is a warning to all unscrupulous traders that we will pursue them and the penalties are substantial.”

22nd April 2015