Dean Mayley Accused Found With Samurai Sword

Man alleged to have driven gang to murder scene had previous blade convictions

One of the four people standing trial at the Old Bailey accused of the murder of Dean Mayley had previously been found in possession of a samurai sword.

The BBC reports that the jury at the Old Bailey has been told that Michael Mensah, aged 18 from Greenford had been arrested last September after being found in possession of the sword in the back of his car as well as a five inch blade in his trainer. He pleaded guilty to two counts of possession of an offensive weapon but the following January, less than a month before the attack on Dean Mayley, he was stopped by police who found a lock knife underneath the seat of his car.

Dean Mayley, aged 24, was stabbed to death on 7th February as he walked along Ruislip Road, Greenford in what the prosecution allege was a street mugging. The jury at the Old Bailey has been shown CCTV footage of the stabbing. Dean, who had a mental age of 9, was approached by three people two of whom blocked his path whilst another ran up behind him with a knife in his right hand. He was stabbed in the heart and died later in hospital.

The prosecution say that the group intended to steal Dean's mobile phone and North Face jacket and that because of his mental condition he didn't understand what they wanted.

The fatal blow is alleged to have been struck by a 17 year old who cannot be named for legal reasons. Another 17 year old, who also cannot be named, and Ryan Beresford, aged 19 from Acton, stood in Mr Mayley's way, and Michael Mensah allegedly drove them to and from the scene. All four accused deny murder. Three of the group also deny attempted robbery but the 17 year old accused of the stabbing has admitted a charge of attempted robbery.

Last week, Mr Mensah was linked by the prosecution to a similar incident in Greenford around this time in which a 15 year old boy was made to hand over his bodywarmer and mobile phone. He has denied the charge relating to this robbery.

The case continues.

August 13, 2014

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