Fears Over Rise in Teen Assaults And Muggings in Ealing

Local MP says arrests have been made and a quantity of mobile phones seized

There is growing concern over an apparent increase in assaults and muggings of teenagers in the Ealing area.

Various reports have been appearing on social media pages including over the weekend when group of boys were forced to hand over their phones by a gang in Lammas Park.

Local Northfields Councillor, David Millican, says he has recently been made aware of more incidents.

He says, ''A number of residents have contacted me about the assaults experienced recently by our teenagers.  This is indeed a worrying development, which we need to see stopped. The local police are well aware of the issue and are being proactive.''

In Northfields alone, February crime figures show there were 11 reported thefts from vehicles, 7 non-residential burglaries and 8 'miscellaneous thefts'.

Police say they are doing all they can to try and combat the apparent growing problem.

Police Sergeant James Lenton from the local Safer Neighbourhoods team said, ''I can assure you that the police investigations are being diligently progressed with suspects successfully identified and victims appropriately supported and updated. Proactive partnerships patrols and efforts are being made to engage with schools and my teams have held talks in schools regarding topics such as personal safety and safe travel and this will continue along with other tactics, including enhanced stop and search.

''There are dedicated safer schools officers responsible for our secondary schools and the local safer neighbourhood teams conduct regular engagement events in our primary schools. We have active information sharing agreements with our local schools and proactively follow up on concerns raised to us via our schools.

"Although we do try and monitor ourselves if you are aware of specific information or intelligence shared on local forums which could assist police please can you kindly share this with us, in confidence if you prefer.''

The Ealing Southall MP, Virendra Sharma has now got involved and has posted on the local community facebook pages:

'' I spoke to the Borough Commander yesterday who has confirmed two arrests have been made and "a quantity of believed stolen mobile phones" have been found. The Police have also agreed with Ealing Council to "put in additional patrols and crime prevention advice through the schools".

''Next Friday, 12th April the Police have also arranged a briefing for elected representatives to discuss local concerns and ensure that policing is meeting local needs. I will be there, unless we have further parliamentary votes that morning. Please let me have any further information you have for me to feed into the process. If you have any questions I am on sharmav@parliament.uk or my office can be called on either 020 7219 6080 or 020 8571 1003. ''


Incidents can be reported and safety advice can be found here


2 April 2019 ( updated)